Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI Project Day 49 of 365: ANNIVERSARY

Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI Project Day 49 of 365: ANNIVERSARY

Happy Anniversary to my one and only on this 18 years of wedded Bliss! Well, maybe not bliss the whole time... this shit can be hard! Here is what is true... there are times that are blissful and times that are hard. There are times that are clear and sunny and rainbowy and times that challenge the fibers of who you are. This is reality. If you're married or in any relationship and you say it's all been blissful, you're either full of shit or delusional.

And I wouldn't change a thing. I have the best, most beautiful, caring, loving, pain in the ass, challenging, exciting, optimistic, encouraging, comforting, stubborn and perfect partner in this world. She is committed to this caring, loving, pain in the ass, challenging, exciting, optimistic, encouraging, comforting, full on pain in the ass person that is me, and I to her.

There may not be bliss, but there is our bliss in this imperfect perfect life that we live. Hayley, I love you with every cell in my body. Here's to the first 18 year, and a lifetime more... whatever that may be.

Happy Anniversary.

Until tomorrow...


Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI Project Day 48 of 365: GENERATIONS

Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI Project Day 48 of 365: GENERATIONS

Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI Project Day 47 of 365: FIRE IN THE SKY

Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI Project Day 47 of 365: FIRE IN THE SKY